“400 Lux” -Lorde, Pure Heroine I’ve developed a huge appreciation for this album and Lorde as an artist. Age aside, she points out issues with alcoholism. Something that’s been heavy on my mind over these past few months. In no way am I free of this criticism. Actually I am at the center of it. […]

I woke up this morning in not my best mood and like any brainwashed, social media obsessed millennial like myself I began scrolling through my various feeds. This is when I stumbled upon a post by one of my Facebook friends – one in which I have mad respect for and crave the knowledge and […]

Why is that the moment I come home from work, socializing, a date etc. that I feel relief? I come in, greet my family (yes, still living with the folks) and change into yoga pants and an over-size college t-shirt. Watch a few episodes of Breaking Bad. Catch up with my siblings. Read. Go to […]

I had a blog idea earlier today – or more so, a rant about Steve Harvey and his take on the “new” growing demographic of middle aged, fiscally successful, single women. Imagine my outrage here: ________________________________________________________________. Okay, I’m done. Instead, my ever colorful dialogue with my father tops it all. For starters, my father is […]

Originally posted on Media Diversified:
by Assed Baig When Malala Yusufzai was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen simply because she wanted to gain an education it sent shockwaves around the world. The Western media took up the issue, Western politicians and the public spoke out and soon she found herself in the UK.…

Here’s a petty, semi-privileged rant – but with a purpose. Stay with me. I’ve got a mad-struggle with achieving originality with my writing. I’ve spent days, weeks and even months contemplating topics. Doing research and odds are (about 94% of the time) its been said. It’s the source of all my writing dry spells. Trust […]

If you’ve ever taken a Medical Anthropology or Complimentary and Alternative Medicine course or read any literature on holistic healing practices, chances are you’ve become familiar with the short-comings of Western Medicine in separating the “mind” and “body” when approaching treatment plans. Example: Chemotherapy as a treatment for those living with cancer is separated from […]

Before I get started, this all goes to show how influential news sources are on the mindset of viewers, regardless of background knowledge and prior perspectives. I’m a Queer woman and therefore find Rachel Maddow a huge inspiration*. I dig her witty delivery of news and find her bluntness attractive on a level above appearance. […]

I am going to try to not be as specific as humanly possible with this one without explicitly calling out my employer. Bare with me on my vague story-telling. So while I’ve been job “hunting” (see earlier post), I’ve been working as a waitress at an awesome, family-owned restaurant. Not only is the food incredible, […]

Yikes, over 20 days since my last post. I began this blog with the vision that I would be posting daily – gaining valuable followers and creating a page that shows the ways in which I can make my academic knowledge applicable and accessible. Instead, I have been thinking about it half-heartedly and finding less […]